Monday, May 2, 2011

It's my time to rant with a Christian way

Fact: Becca cries a ton.
Fact: Becca always has good reason to cry.
Fact: She is not a baby

Now, after you read this, you can judge whether or not you believe these facts. I think today might have been an off-day for me or something cause I feel like a baby right now.

Well here is a story about me crying. But first I have to explain the background to this story.

I had to turn in a "test" that I made. I had to pretend to be the teacher and make a test over the last five chapters we had covered. I knew how to do this because we did one a couple weeks back. I got 100% and he said it was the best in the class! I thought, "Dang! If I just do this next one exactly like last time, I'll be good to go." Now, I can continue with my story.....

Today at Volstate, I ran to Psychology class to drop off something to one of my girlfriends. Everyone was in the middle of taking the final (I didn't have to take the final because I already got an A. Yay!) so I just ran in and dropped it next to her purse while she was testing and then I went up to my teacher to make sure that he got my file that I sent him. (the test thing I told you about) He motioned for me to come over to the computer and check with him. He opened up his email, pulled up the file, looked at it for two seconds, then said, "oooohhhh no, I see a problem already." This conversation follows:

Becca: What's wrong with it?
Teacher: It doesn't have page numbers.
Becca: *confused look* okay.
Teacher: You are supposed to put page numbers. (he is referring to page numbers for EACH answer. Like, where in the book I found the answer when I was making the test)
Becca: Since when?
Teacher: Since always. *you-are-dumb-look*
Becca: I've never put page numbers on any of my assignments.
Teacher: Well you should've.
Becca: Okay.
Teacher: Put the page numbers on there and send it to me.
Becca: Yes sir. Do you want me to email it to you or put it in the dropbox?
Teacher: Put the page numbers Becca.
Becca: Yes sir.
Teacher: Are you gonna send it?
Becca: Yes sir. Do you want me to email it?
Teacher: Just put the page numbers and send it.
Becca: Over D2L?
Teacher: Yes. *fake huge smile* Goodbye.
Becca: Bye. *walks to door and opens it*
Teacher: Becca!
Becca: *turns around* Yes?
Teacher: When? *still talking across class room*
Becca: *confused look* When what?
Teacher: Page numbers.
Becca: I'll send it tonight.
Teacher: When?
Becca: *gets fed up and walks back to desk* I'll send it tonight when I get home.
Teacher: When?
Becca: *eyes start to burn* I'll do my best to get it in by five maybe?
Teacher: Alright. *laughs*
Becca: K. *walks away quickly for fear he would see tears*

Yep, and as soon as I closed the door, tears started welling up in my eyes and my hands started quivering because I was so angry/humiliated/confused/sad. I went straight to work and tried to contain myself, but then I couldn't, so I walked outside and cried my eyes out. I called mom so I could tell her and get it off my chest. That helped some.

Why is this a big deal? I'm not sure. All I know is that you should never take a class from this man because he is very inconsistent and getting information from him is like picking up a bulldozer.....impossible! And I feel like he picks on me because I make good grades and I ask a lot of's SO IRRITATING! I'm like...."would you be nicer if I was getting an F? Well fine, you can be mean all you want because I'm gonna keep trying for A's no matter how you treat me."

Anyways, I wanted to rant. That's the point of this. Sorry if it bored you. And I apologize for those of you who think I'm a baby now. I was trying to be tough, but it didn't work. Not today :/


  1. It's okay puffs!!! We all have off days and know someone who won't give you very good info!!!!! Love and miss cha sissa!!!:)

  2. THATS SO JACKED! *growl* He doesn't know whose sister hes messing with. Sis, you give me a number and I'll act like your dad and threaten him. Maybe even show up with a club...I'll...I'll...*growl*

  3. That is SOOO rude!!! Especially in front of the class!!! I agree he is very inconsistent. Too bad I wasn't there give him a good talkin' to.

    If you are a baby than so am I, cause I probably would have cried too.
