Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Excuses and Fabio

I'm sorry my friends! I'm sorry. You see I was way too lazy to go downstairs and post stuff. So basically I didn't want to post until I had an easy way to do it that was way lardish then walking down then back up16 steps. I'm sure you all know how that goes?

Kirstin' I just want to say, about our phone call...IT WAS ALL YOU BUDDY! Hahah, kidding. So Kirstin called me the other day to ask me the time something started at. I told her and stuff, but then it got quiet and stuff so we both tried to make Convo. It didn't work. Sorry Kirstin! Lol, I guess I am just not a phone person!!!!!! Hahah.

So funny story: There once was a man named...Fabio. He had greasy hair and loved mushrooms. He always wondered why he couldn't get a girl until one of his sweet/ crabby friends told him that he needed to change himself. You see for having such a name that gives the impression of long flowing hair, big muscles, with a biscuit brown tan, he was long limbed, matted and pale as a ghost. So once Fabio's friend Latrine told him he needed to change himself he did. THE END!

Wow, *wipes tear from eye* That one always gets me. What's that? You want to know how Badger like Fabio's story ends? Well, he goes to a wizard, things go wrong, people get involved, he gets the girl, and they rise off on llama back into sunset. Suit your fancy?

Squish some squirrels,


  1. No, I'm not a phone person. I'm super awkward on the phone as it is, so I only like talking to people on the phone if they are the kind of people who just talk and talk and talk, that way I don't have the need to say anything but "Mhmm." lol

    I'm not gonna lie, when I read the name "Fabio", I actually pictured a guy with long flowing hair, big muscles, and a biscuit brown tan. That story really touched my heart, though. *puts hand over heart and sighs*

  2. Fabio sounds like a lard noob.

  3. I had a crush on Fabio until I read that he wasn't who I pictured. *pees laughing*
