Friday, September 9, 2011


I know that is crazy...
And just alittle weird,
But I heard Ashley saying, "I want to grow a beard."
When Becca's sleeping soundly she likes to mumble things,
About falling in love with monkeys and eating their fleas.
When Jessy takes a shower it is super long,
She takes up all the water in Southern Hong Kong.
This is the volleyball song!
It isn't very long.....HEY!

Yours truly,

A Genius


  1. I would like to know how this connects in ANY WAY with volleyball?

    *disapproving glare* Carrrrleee, are you hyper?

    And where the heck do you get your content? I do NOT want to grow a beard. Cite your sources, noob.

  2. haha. Ashley, I think you would look very nice with a beard. ;)

  3. I don't mummble about monkeys and their fleas. Gorillas! Der! *ugh* Get it right, lard poo.
