I Wish............................
- That i could figure out exactly what food im craving right now
- That i coulda come to the Jonses christmas party
- That i was done with all my christmas shopping done
- i knew why my cousin kylie is sooooooooooo weird.....
- I could take #4 back
- i could meet the red,yellow,orange,green M-N-M people. but not like their voics like actually them like as the M-N-Ms
- that i could get my cousin back........................:)
well i miss my friends so FRIENDSIMISSYOU!!!!!!!!!!!! SAYYOUMISSMEBACK!!!!!!!!
i just put this to be creepy make sure to read underneath.
yeah so go take a shower dirty one. youve polluted my mind.
I MISS YOU SO MUCH!!!!! and guess what? I LOVE YOU TOO!