I'm soooooo excited because the Wones are having a reunion tonight! We get together a lot but it always feels like forever since we have been together. I guess that means that we really love each other's company. But yeah, Momma, Momma 2, Pops, Grammie, G-mama, Cars, Jess, Ash and I are all gonna have tacos. It's our tradition. Then we are gonna all dance!!!! I'm so pumped.
ANNOUNCEMENT! This past Thursday we started filming our next movie. We have some guest stars in it :D Thanks to those of you who helped out. You all did wonderful!!! For real! Anyways, tonight we are gonna do that last part of it, and hopefully it will be done by November 1st. That is what I will shoot for, but I can't make promises. It has been CRAZY lately, and that might be way too soon for me to finish it. I'll see what I can do :)
TO BO: Sis! I had a blast with you the other night. Thanks for coming over and hanging with your big sis. I love you so much and enjoy your company a TON. *hugs*