Friday, March 18, 2011

Beckoning, scones, and language quirks

Here I am, sitting at work with absolutely nothing to do. I already delivered the papers and opened up the mail. I have asked everyone in the office to give me something, but they will not. Fridays are always slow. Blah!

In addition to my boredom, the sun is beckoning to me. "Becca, you need a tan," it says. "UV rays await!" *pictures tella-tubbies sun with a baby face* I hate being taunted by the sun and the warm Vitamin D rays. It's disturbing. *sun baby giggles* (hopefully everyone knows what I'm talking about when I say, "sun baby off of tellatubbies." Otherwise, you will be very confused and freaked out by my comment.

Since I have nothing to do besides wait around (I didn't bring any school or books today because I'm an idiot) I guess I'll just ramble to you all. I hope you don't mind....and if you do, stop reading for goodness sakes.

Okay, this morning I went to get coffee and a scone with Jessyca! It was soo fun just because we haven't hung out by ourselves in a while. I need to do that with Carlee soon. *ponders and then nods* Yes, I shall do this very soon. But yeah, we went to Govan's and their coffee and scones, and also their muffins ROCK! I'm going to refer everyone to this place because they don't seem to get a lot of business and they deserve it because it is really good. It's on the gallatin square, and little bit down from Larivierre's. So, you should pay em a visit sometime.

In Human growth and development we were talking about language and how it's developed and also how it's super different from person to person. I thought it was a cool subject to talk about. Well, we gathered in groups and took a "language IQ test" which had a list of "words" and we had to put the correct meaning of them. Here are a couple that I remember:

Foe - for
Owwna - Owner
Chakit - did you get
Archgunna - are you going to
Juicy - did you see?
Wazafoe - what was that for?
Duitchasow- do it yourself
Order - Over there
Armagunna - I am going to
Imma - I am
Hunder - hundred

I can't remember anymore. There was like a hundred of them. Anyways...i thought it was cool to see how people say things and squash words together and think of them as legit. I do that a lot!

Hmmm, what else should I talk about? WELL, one of the ladies I work with came up and told me that she ate a chewable Pepto Bismol tablet last night and it turned her tongue black! She was freaking out and gagging herself because she was scrubbing her tongue so hard! HAHA! She is a gluten free like Ashley, and she said it's a side effect of Pepto Bismol chewables. Weird O.o

*yawns* That's all I got for right now! You all have a great day. Be cool. Don't be a fool.

1 comment:

  1. Soooo cooollllllll love ya!!!!!uhhhhhhhhh now im craving scones,hungry jessy
