*dies laughing* Woooooooow. There is definetely know word to describe Ashley's post. *cackles* O_O Anyways, I totally did notice your ever-so-slight double chin, but only because I'm Carlee. :) And it wasn't that bad; I mean compaired to those pictures we took that one time in my basement....*gives you a "you-know-what-I'm-talking-about-look"*...yeah, I don'y even need to finish my sentence for you to know what is in my brain!!
Okay this headband that I have on is like indented in my brain. *thinks about it and freaks out* What if it grew inside my head *gasps* and then, and then I had to get it surgercially removed....Ahhhh!! That would be totally freaky.
Okay Becca, I totally eat my cookies the same as you. I think ALL the Wones do. I'm not sure, but I think that's the only way humaly possible that is the correct way to eat a Keebler Elf cookie. Just saying to all the peeps out there who are not well informed.
My ears are hearing stuff funny because I just got off the mower (yes I mow!! Today was the frist time since last summer *freaks out*) and I had my music loud. So everything sounds fuzzy and far away. You know what else is fuzzy and far away...that fuzz hanging from my basement ceiling. Grrrr....
I'm totally in the mood for some Mexican food. Hm....*thinks about what we are having* When ever I tell people that I am practically Mexican because of the food that I eat, and because plainly...I LOVE MEXICAN FOOD! Anyways, when ever I say that I could practically be Mexican, the UCA peeps always have to say, "But I thought you were black." I'm just reminding everyone that I am black...and mexican, but mostly black. I'm Blackican. But since I'm mostly African American...I say that I'm black!! Okay?? *looks around matter-of-factly with arms raise ever-so-slightly*
I went to a Wedding Shower the other day. Made me feel awesome sitting at the "Singles" table. ;) I ate alot of chocolate stuff. Seriously, I almost went into a Chocolate Coma/overdose state of mind. *bulges eyes for affect* It was........AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These are the things that I ate that were Chocolate COVERED: strawberries, a cupcake, rice crispy treats, pretzels, and I tried a snap pea....but it was super nasty! Just stateing what is 'kinda obvious.
I just want to say that, "I love being single!" It is a great feeling; even though techinicall I'm not single. 'Cause I have Jesus!!! :P Okay well thanks for listening to me ramble. Otay...have nice day/evening or whatever time it is that you are reading this. Hopefull I'll post my pictures from my time with the Oakes on here. Chow/ STL,
Squatting Dog
FOR REAL! I made mexican rice tonight and btw...I LOVE the reminder up there.