Hahah...Ashley, Ashley, Ashley. We all know how you wish you were a fairy, but seriously, a Blog Fairy? *dies laughing* I told every one on the internet that you wish you were a Fairy! Wow, anyways, I was kidding.
Hey cool idea, we should get t-shirts made with our names on them and that have the picture of Weep Your Tears Into the Channel, and then the www. thing with out website adress on it. Some time in the future maybe! :)
I have SO much school work this week that I don't know if I will be on here much.
I love Cupcake frosting. AND I love Cupcakes. At this place in Antioch, called Sparkle, they had Key Lime Cupcake. *gags* WHY do they have to ruin that poor Cupcakes hopes and dreams by making it ugly. *wipes tears from eyes*
Only like 3 more weeks 'till school it out! I am SUPER excited and nervous at the SAME TIME. I will miss all my buddies A TON. That's why I'm nervous, 'cause I won't get to see all my friends twice a week. Poop. But I am excited 'cause that means NO school work, and more time to tan.
Okay what is up with this weather lately? Rain, rain rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, BORING!
*does Barbie hand wave and blows kisses* Good bye my voters. *starts crying* I just can't believe that I got this award I mean this is just...*starts blubbering so you can't understand what she is saying* UYOBgfbsodubgoUSBgbBOGUBgjbodjbsdjgobdjbgoSUDBGOUSBDEGOUSBDGUSBDGO.
Love, Bacon, and Cupcakes! STL,
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