Yes, the blog fairy finally came. This place needed to be a little picked up. Everything was all MUMBO JUMBO on the sides which is *says really sassy-y* like my MAJOR PET PEEVE! You know what imma saying? For real, on my blog I switch the gadgets around all the time, because it NEVER EVER looks straight and beautiful enough. Stuff always looks messy. So, Wones, in the future....put polls, with polls...not randomly across the gadget bar. AND NAME YOUR GADGETS on the control page. It will make thing 20 gazillion times easier when trying to rearrange and correct. OKAY?
*dusts off hands*
Noooo! Ash! The followers should never be at the very top of the page! We need our pic up there and carlee's "no poop zone" needs to be up higher too! *steals mouse*