Thursday, February 17, 2011


You might be asking...."Becca dear? What do you mean 'coughy'? Shouldn't it be 'coffee'?" Well of course not! I mean coughy! I will explain!

Today, I feel like a piece of......burnt pie. (didn't think that's what I was gonna say did yaaaaa? *laughs*) My throat is all nasty and my nose is.....*tries to sniff in*.....clogged. My head feels like a bowling ball and my neck is getting really tired of holding it up. My back is really sore....almost like I got whiplash in my back....but I know I didn't. It just feels that way. And randomly I will cough like this....."Ahhuuuuuh! Eck....eckkk....eeeeeccckkk." I sound like a hoarse gerbil. It's outlandish. Anyways, that's what I mean by "coughy."

ASHLEY AND JESSYCA! Get with the program on the "About the Wones" page. Me and Carkey have done amazing. We got it done in a snappy fashion. And you guys are just lagging behind. That's okay, I'm sure Cars and I can bring ourselves to still loving you.....somehow.

Hey, since I'm sick and probably gonna be bored....I'm gonna post about our valentines day shopping spree thingy, where we ended up not buying nothing but food....haha! But we had fun looking at the stuff and talking about how corny it all was :D

Peace, love and lint!

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