Monday, February 7, 2011

What's the nonsense?

Hey! This is the Wones' blog where you get to hear about four crazy girls who need to take NyQuil as a daily dosage!!! Sounds interesting huh? Well, we are hoping this will be super addicting to you, and we hope to get a multimillion hits from you alone....*points*....yes, I'm talking to you ;D

Well, the purpose of this blog is....for the fun of it! We will be posting pictures, beloved Pure Talent films, video ideas, disturbing thoughts, and ramblings that come from our dilapidated minds. God has given us the gift of being ourselves and of loving laughter and joy. We really enjoy making people laugh and we hope that this blog will do that for you. So, I guess that's the purpose in a nutshell!

Thanks for checking the blog out! Please post comments and follow us! YAY FOR BACON!

-The Wones


  1. YOu guys are crazy! That's why I luv ya!!! haha keep up the.....uuuummmmmmmmm......FUNNY! work!!!

    Lexi ;}

  2. Hahah...thanks Lex!! :) We love you too sis!!

    Carlee Or The Bun Lady
