Sunday, February 13, 2011

Mayo and My Cat

Okay so in case you were wondering how weird my family you go....

The other day my Mom made me clean her plants with 2% Milk. o.0 It smelled weird, but I guess it's supposed to make your plants look healthy and shiny. I'm just thankful that she didn't make me rub Mayo on it. *gags* It makes it look shinier and healthier, but smells worse and feels grosser.

Okay is it just me that does this? But when I brush my teeth I get like a Mintey Beard/Mustache. Then my face kinda burns where the toothpaste was.

I made this thing up the other day with the help of my father, Joel Watson. We made it up because every one says I'm a Spazz. Here it is: I'm not Spazzy, I'm just expressive. For some reason that cracked me up because I am so SPAZZ-TASTIC that it's freaky.

To Ashley: This is what my cat (Nutter Butter) types on the key board when i rub it on here: Ashley is weird.
HAHAHA...kidding. (No animals were harmed in the making of that sentence.) Lol


Chicken Little

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