Thursday, March 31, 2011

I Wish I had 2 Noses

I wish I had two noses so that when one is plugged the other would be open and I could breath...because right now...there is no air coming out these babies that I am ashamed to call nostrils. Jessyca hates when I say the word nostril. O_O I happen to love it. She says she wishes that I would just say the side of my nose. I think that is too boring. Just saying! I had a dream last night that Dad bought the Collins little silver car from them, for me, to use as I wish. IT. WAS. WEIRD! I once punched a hole in my thumb with a stapler. It touched the bone and FREAKED me out. I didn't really know what to do. Then I thought about it and was like," Taking the lodged staple out of my finger might be a starter." Lol.... We are gong camping tomorrow, Sat., Sun., and we will be back Monday! I will have to post about our grand adventures with the Allens and the Templets. They are all out neighbors. :) I wish you all many good dinners of steak. Bean Shredder P.S. I have no clue why I put that as my name to sign out with....BTW this is Cars

1 comment:

  1. That made me laugh out loud! You weird!
